Afbeelding van de locatie
Michelin Gids
De stap waard
Duurzame gastronomie
De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
In the wake of his mentor Paul Bocuse, Christian Têtedoie has built a small gourmet empire. Perched on Fourvière hill overlooking the city, the Têtedoie is a gourmet showcase. A champion of Gallic culinary traditions, this fan of contemporary art is committed to finetuning and even modernising this heritage. Bites of snails, foie gras and pistachio; “portfolio” of red mullet, carrots and game sauce; mallard duck, grilled chestnuts and Jack Be Little pumpkins: his dishes sometimes read like an abstract art exhibition. It’s impossible not to mention his signature dish: lobster casserole with a calf's head cromesquis that he has renamed HTV (after Homard Tête de Veau in French). Generous, sensitive cuisine depicted by an intelligent array of textures and flavours.
4 rue Professeur-Pierre-Marion
69005 Lyon