Afbeelding van de locatie
Michelin Gids
De omleidingen waard
De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
The Tourteaux brothers, Gaël and Mickaël, are inseparable. Not only did they attend the same hotel school in Nice (and sit exams in the same room) and both train at the Negresco during Alain Llorca's time there, but they also share the same motivation to run their own place, delivering good, honest, tasty fare. The result of this fraternal alliance is Flaveur, a project into which they ploughed all their energy to the point of receiving a Michelin star in 2011, and a second one in 2018.How might the "Tourteaux touch" be summed up? A certain kind of confidence, boldness and measured risk-taking. For example, when it comes to local ingredients and spices from afar, it's not either/or, it's both! A scorpion fish from Nice comes up against a fish broth enhanced with vadouvan, a heavily aromatic blend of Indian spices... They often go out on a limb, but the risk always pays off. Fine and masterful cuisine with character from start to finish. Bravo!
25 rue Gubernatis
06000 Nice