Maison Ronan Kervarrec
Afbeelding van de locatie
Michelin Gids
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De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
A vibrant, indulgent homage to the Brittany he knows and loves! Thriving in his native region, Ronan Kervarrec eschews trends in a bid to tell his personal and professional story through food. The culinary tale he conjures up here features buckwheat, buttermilk, fish, shellfish, butter, seaweed, gavotte (a thin, crispy pancake), chouchen (a local form of mead) and sablé breton. In tribute to his father, who was a saucier at the George V, the chef expertly executes a range of jus and sauces, which vary from intense to subtly flavoured. Floor to ceiling windows give onto a terrace overlooking the pretty garden. Very professional welcome and service from the chef's wife and her team. Guestrooms for overnight stays and a small delicatessen where you can purchase gourmet souvenirs.
Zijn sterke punten
1 impasse du Vieux-Bourg
35760 Saint-Grégoire