Afbeelding van de locatie
Michelin Gids
De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
Named after Chef/owner Chris Ponte's daughter, it's only appropriate that the cooking at this bustling, Italian-inspired venue should set itself apart thanks to extra care. That characteristic attention to detail includes efforts, like extruding all pastas in house before slowly drying them—but it’s the sort of work that pays off for diners.Although the cuisine draws heavily on classic flavors, don't expect by-the-books renditions—even the simplest dishes flaunt a bit of personality. Take, for example, mini rigatoni sauced with ragù Bolognese and a dollop of herbed ricotta; it's a departure from tradition that is unlikely to draw any objections. The pizza offerings are similarly appealing, like one with truffle honey, smoky speck and scallion.
Zijn sterke punten
3601 W. Swann Ave.
Tampa 33609