City Palace Complex (Udaipur)

Michelin Gids
De reis waard
Burgerlijk en militair monument
De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
The palace of the Maharaja of Udaipur, or the City Palace, is considered to be the largest palace-fortress in Rajasthan, measuring 500m in length and 30m in height. Showing strong Mughal influence, the palace overlooks Pichola Lake and boasts stunning views of the city. A true labyrinth, the palace is home to a number of different palaces, each of which contains countless treasures: Dilkush Mahal (miniatures), Chini Mahal (faience tiles), Surya Chaupar (copper mask covered with gold) etc. Part of the building has been converted into a hotel, while the remainder houses the City Palace Museum.
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