Vat Mai (Vat Mai Souvanna Phummaram - New Monastery)
Afbeelding van de locatie
Michelin Gids
De reis waard
Religieus monument
De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
The former royal pagoda is one of the finest in Luang Prabang. It boasts a remarkable gilded façade created in the 1960s, on which several of the city's monuments can be identified, including scenes from daily life. Vat Mai was home to the Pra Bang between 1887 and 1947, the date on which the palladium of the city was transferred to the royal palace. During the Pimai festival (Lao New Year), this sacred statue is carried in procession here, where it remains for three days.
Th. Sisavang Vong
Luang Prabang
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