Masaryk Square
Afbeelding van de locatie
Michelin Gids
Burgerlijk en militair monument
De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
The subtly curved and slightly sloping Masaryk Square is lined with lovely Renaissance and Baroque buildings. The most exuberant is the Hotel of the Small White Horse (Bílý konícek), which boasts a fantastic crenellated gable and turrets. Opposite is the town hall dating from 1562, whose 31m-high tower has a gallery, clock and dome. Also worth looking out for are the house at N°89, the Plague Column (1780) and the fountain decorated with circular bas-relief. To the east is one of the town's few remaining gates, Hradec Gate which is early 16C.
Masarykovo Námestí
379 01 Trebon
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