Lobkowitz Palace and National Theatre Museum
Afbeelding van de locatie
Michelin Gids
Burgerlijk en militair monument
De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
The walls of this fine Baroque palace were the first to resound to the overwhelming music of Ludwig van Beethoven's Third Symphony. It was performed in 1804 in the great hall, which has been called the "Eroica-Saal" since that time. Since 1923, the building has been home to the National Theatre Museum, which displays sketches, models of different decors, costumes and paintings from a collection assembled from the 17C onwards. This ensemble has been further embellished following the transfer of the collections from the former National Opera Museum which closed in 2014.
Praktische informatie
+43 5252 42729
Lobkowitzplatz 2
1010 Wien
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